Process orders with the same product in bulk

A newly released book or an exclusive sneaker that has finally arrived: these are products that customers have been looking forward to. When they're in stock, orders start pouring in.

These orders lead to many picklists with the same product and often the same quantity. Picking and packing becomes a routine task, but because of the large number of orders, it’s not a quick job. Picqer is here to help even more, as it's now possible to process singles batches in bulk.

Whether it's popular new products, bestsellers that are always ordered in large quantities, backorders that are available again, or pre-orders that have just become ready: with bulk processing, you're done in no time.

Gather all products with the same picking container

It already saves a lot of time when you process orders in a singles batch in Picqer. Picqer then combines all picklists with the same product (or the same quantity of the product). This means you only have to go into your warehouse once to gather all the products with the same picking container. After that, you process all the products at the packing table, list by list.

Picqer processes all picklists for you with one click

But it can be even faster. With bulk processing, you no longer need to process a singles batch picking list by picking list. With one click, Picqer now processes all picking lists (with the same product and quantity) at once and prints the shipping labels. This saves you many mouse clicks and therefore time.

process in bulk

In each batch, you only process picklists with the same number of items per order. After you select which picklists with the same number of items you want to process, Picqer ensures that for each picking list:

  1. the products are picked,
  2. the shipment is created,
  3. the shipping label is printed,
  4. the picklist is closed,
  5. your webshop is notified of the processing.

how many items to process

Packing without thinking

Since the batch is sorted by picklists with the same number of items, you can pack without thinking. You put the same number of products in each package, and it doesn't matter which shipping label you use. You’ll have the orders processed in no time!

Set the correct shipping profile before you start

Picqer uses the pre-selected shipping profile to process the picklists. If that is not set, the default shipping profile is used. It's also better if no extra documents are required, such as packing slips or customs papers. That way, you don’t have to worry about them during packing.

Using bulk processing

Admins and users with the right to "Manually mark products as picked" can use bulk processing. Currently, bulk processing is only available on the new picklist and batch pages. Not using these yet? Enable them under Experimental Features.