Picqer Mobile 1.10 released

Picqer Mobile version 1.10 is now available in the App Store. In this update we made a lot of small improvements.

Searching through purchase orders Picklists progress

This is what's new

These are the biggest improvements in version 1.10:

  • Added search to purchase orders
  • New Help & Suggestions screen directly from dashboard, so you can ask us questions easily
  • Urgent picklists now shows the 'urgent' label in the overview
  • Some design tweaks, like a new search bar, new progress bar and a simpler interface for the smallest warehouses
  • In overview screens of products, picklists and purchases you now can see more than 100 items. As soon as you arrive at the bottom of your screen we will load the next 100 items
  • If you do not have the rights to access purchase orders, we hide the menu item
  • Fixed a few bugs with the barcode scanner

Download version 1.10 form the App Store