How do addresses and regions work?

Every order in Picqer has 2 addresses: a shipping address and a billing address. Additionally, you can save an address for your customers, and save sender addresses for creating shipment labels for carriers.

Address fields

Each address contains the following fields:

Name For a company, this is the company name. For a person, it’s their first and last name.
Contact Name If it’s a company and you have a contact person, use this field.
Address This is the full address, including the house number and house number extension.
Address 2 This is additional address information used in some countries, such as the building name or neighborhood.
Postal Code The postal code of the address.
Region The region of the address is only required in certain countries. Therefore, you’ll only see this field for specific countries. The name of the field may also change based on what it’s called in that country, such as state in the US or province in Canada.
Country The country of the address.

Addresses from webshops

When Picqer imports an order from a webshop, we automatically transfer the address. Some webshops place the house number in the second address line, which we correct when the order is imported into Picqer.

Addresses from the API

If you submit orders via the API, please provide the address as complete as possible, including the region. Always use the two-character ISO country code for the country.

Address validation

Picqer does not check if the address is correct. Any combination you enter as an address will be accepted by Picqer. However, shipping carriers do check the address before generating a label. This means you may sometimes receive an error message indicating that the address is incorrect when you create a label.

If you want to avoid this, you can choose to validate addresses when the customer enters them in your webshop.

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