Cancel Picqer subscription
Of course we'd rather have you stay, but we would also like to make it as easy as possible for you to stop using Picqer.
Term of notice
You can cancel your subscription until the last day of your subscription period: that means until one day before your new period starts.
If you started your subscription on September 3rd, you can cancel every month up to and including the 2nd day of that month. Your next period will automatically start on the 3rd of the month.
How do I cancel?
You can cancel Picqer by sending a message to our support team with the date (and preferably also the reason) of cancellation. You will receive a confirmation from us with the end date of your subscription.
Cancellation is only possible by an 'administrator' of the account using an e-mail address that we know. We will send the confirmation email to make sure that the cancellation really comes from you.
Until when can I continue to use Picqer?
You can continue to use Picqer until the end of your last subscription period. If your current one is still running until September 3rd and you cancel on August 18th, you can log in and use Picqer until September 2nd. Your account will be closed automatically on September 3rd.
We will keep all your data in Picqer for a while, in case you want to continue with Picqer. A few months after your cancellation, we will delete all your data to create space on our servers.
Download data
If you stop using Picqer, in many cases you still want to get the data from Picqer. Note that this is only possible while your account is still active. As soon as your subscription ends, you can no longer access the data in Picqer. So download the data in the last days of your subscription.
You can export a lot of data to Excel, such as products and customers. In addition, all information can be obtained from Picqer via our API, although that requires some technical knowledge.