Switching to Another Webshop

When you switch to a different or additional webshop, you create a new connection in Picqer. In this article, we explain what to consider when transitioning to a new webshop.

Why switch to new webshop?

You might find yourself in one of the following situations:

  • You see advantages in a different webshop platform compared to your current one.
  • You manage multiple webshops across one or more platforms.
  • Your platform is being updated, resulting in a new connection.
  • You are collaborating with a new developer who prefers to start fresh.

Note: for testing your Picqer account, you can request a test environment. We don't recommend creating an additional webshop connection in your regular Picqer account for this purpose.



Make sure that the SKU's in your new/different webshop match the SKU's you were already using.

API Keys

If you have external API connections with Picqer (for example, for purchasing or accounting), check with the administrator of the connection about any potential impact. In most cases, transitioning to a new webshop does not affect the API keys in Picqer, as long as the SKU's and consequently the product ID's in Picqer remain the same.

Old Orders

You may choose to transfer old orders to the new webshop. Ensure that the old orders are marked as completed in the webshop to avoid duplicates in Picqer.


Connect New webshop (Replacing Old Connection)

Connect the new webshop preferably during a quiet period for order imports and processing.

Process as many orders as possible beforehand. Ideally, there should be no pending orders in Picqer.

Deactivate the current connection here: https://redirect.picqer.com/config/webshops/{webshopid}. At the bottom of the page, you'll find the 'deactivate webshop integration' button.

Connect the new webshop. In our help center, you can read how to establish the connection for each webshop.


Once the connection is established, you will perform a few (check) steps:

  • Check in Picqer for any open orders that were imported from the old webshop connection. If there are any, process them in Picqer and manually mark them as 'completed' in the old webshop connection.
  • Look for new orders in the old webshop that have not been imported into Picqer. Manually enter these orders in the new webshop so that Picqer can import them.
  • Perform an inventory push from Picqer to the new webshop. We can carry this out for you upon request.

Differences per webshop

  • Investigate the options per carrier for each webshop beforehand. More information can be found on our help page Shipping Options per webshop.
  • Some settings in Picqer vary by webshop.
  • Importing new products: the product details that Picqer can retrieve vary by webshop. Not all webshops have the same standard fields.
  • Forwarding shipments: you can read more about this below.


The communication of shipments to the webshop varies by platform:

  • WooCommerce: Picqer sends track & trace information back to the webshop as a note. WooCommerce does not recognize shipments. Once all information has been sent, Picqer marks the order as 'complete' in WooCommerce.
  • Magento: (partial) shipments are recognized by Magento. As long as the order has not been fully shipped, it remains in 'processing' status. Only when Magento has received a shipment for all products does the order status change to 'complete'.
  • Lightspeed: recognizes shipments but not partial shipments. Only after the order is fully shipped can Picqer provide the correct status to Lightspeed.
  • Shopify: (partial) shipments are recognized; Shopify automatically updates the order status when it is fully shipped/fulfilled. Picqer creates a new fulfillment for each shipment but does not make any changes in Shopify itself.
  • Shopware: recognizes 'partially shipped' and 'shipped' statuses. Picqer sends track & trace information with each shipment but does not communicate which products have been shipped.
  • CCV: shipments are recognized in CCV, but not partial shipments. Picqer only includes track & trace with the first shipment.
  • Bol.com: when the order is shipped, it is reported as dispatched on Bol.com, including the tracking code and chosen carrier.

Picqer registers from which connection an order arrives. Shipments can only be returned to this webshop.

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