Counting stock with Picqer
By counting stock you find out if the stock in Picqer corresponds with stock in the warehouse. This prevents disappointment for customers who order something while the product is no longer available. Counting stock is often also necessary for accounting purposes.
With Picqer you can easily count your stock. This can be done in both the web version of Picqer, and in the Picqer app for Android & iOS.
Requirement: stock per location
A requirement for counting with Picqer is that stock is registered by location. Counting in Picqer works by counting products per location. Not only is this the best way to detect stock errors, it also makes it easier to distribute the counting itself. For example by periodically counting a different part of your warehouse, or by assigning colleagues their own aisle during the annual count. Note: Only pickable locations can be counted. This means locations without underlying sub-locations, such as a compartment or bin on the shelf.
How does it work?
When the counted stock does not match the stock as stated in Picqer, you will be shown the differences. You then have two options: recount or confirm the correction. In the second case, the stock is immediately adjusted. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for other locations you want to count.
If you plan to count many locations, you can add them as to-dos. For example, all locations in a zone or aisle. This way, you can be sure you won't miss anything. You can also use to-dos if you're unable to scan locations.
To add to-dos, click on Add locations within a stock count. First, specify where you want to count in your warehouse, such as a zone, aisle, or shelf. Then choose what you want to count here:
- All locations.
- Only locations where the last count had discrepancies. Use this option for a correction round.
- Only locations that were counted the longest ago or never counted.
Insights into stock counts
On the Stock counts overview, you can see how complete, accurate, and up-to-date your stock counts are. This way, you can instantly assess how well you're doing. You can also export all results for processing in your bookkeeping. This can be done per stock count or for multiple stock counts within a selected period. Additionally, it's possible to export the most recent count for all locations. This helps you see which locations have never been counted or were last counted a long time ago.
Frequently asked questions
What should I do in the case of reserved stock?
Picqer does not track whether reserved stock has already been picked. Therefore, it's best to perform stock counting and picking at different times. If that's not an option, it's better to skip locations with reserved stock and count them later.
What happens when counting multiple products on an exclusive location?
If you count more than one product on an exclusive location and confirm the correction, multiple products will be linked to an exclusive location. If you prefer to avoid this, we recommend keeping unexpected products separate during counting so that you can put them in the correct location afterward.
I want to count a specific location, but I can't select the location. Why is that?
You can only select parent locations to count. This allows you to count zones, aisles, racks, or shelves. When you want to count a specific end location, you can select the parent location and optionally ignore the other locations in the count.