How to setup order confirmation mails

Picqer automatically send an order confirmation to the customer when the order is processed. However, you can also send it manually in the order screen.

How does it work?

For every template in Picqer you can choose if an order confirmation is send to the customer. Whenever this option is active, and a valid email address is provided, Picqer will automatically send out an order confirmation (when the order status changes from Concept to Processing).

This is a standard template, but, you can change the text and add your own company logo.


  • You can find the settings of your order confirmation under: Settings > Templates > Choose a template.
  • Below the header 'Emails' you can see all types of emails Picqer support. On the right hand side you can make them active or inactive.
  • Click 'Order confirmation' an you can configure your email settings
  • You can configure the following settings:
    • Header image: used as header of your email. The size of the image will be adjusted between 200x200 pixels.
    • From name: the display name, also known as the email sender name.
    • From email address: this displays who the message is from this will display and is the 'reply-to' email address. If your receivers click on 'reply-to' when they read your email, their response will be sent to this email address. Ensuring your email is delivered to the inbox instead of the spam folder, the 'From email address' is always, unless you use a verified domain.
    • Subject: the subject of your email, displayed on a blue background of your email. You can add 'dynamic text' in your subject.
    • Body text: the text in your email. You can use 'dynamic text', as explained below:

Dynamic text

You can use 'dynamic text' in the subject and body text of your email. The dynamic text will automatically show order details. Moreover, you can use advanced if-else statements, so when the order status is changed, the text changes dynamically as well

Text placeholders

You can add placeholders between the double square brackets, '{{ and }}'. Picqer will replace these placeholders with data from your orders. For example, the text "Dear {{ }}" will be replaced by "Dear Piet Derksen".

Currently, the following placeholders are available:

  • order.idorder
  • order.orderid = Visible order number in Picqer, like O2016-1029
  • order.reference = Reference of the customer or order from the source system
  • order.created_at = The date and time when the order was created
  • order.webshop_id = Order number webshop (only available if the order is placed in a webshop)
  • order.guest_order = Boolean (true/false) guest order
  • delivery_address.contactname
  • delivery_address.address
  • delivery_address.address2
  • delivery_address.zipcode
  • = two-letter ISO country code
  • telephone
  • emailaddress
  • customer.idcustomer (customer fields are not displayed when guest order)
  • customer.customerid = Visible customer number in Picqer
  • customer.contactname
  • = Company name of your Picqer account
  • status_page_url = Public Status Page< URL/li>
  • products.count = Number of productlines
  • products.sum = Number of products in this order
  • products.products = List (array) of all products, including: idproduct, productcode, name, amount
  • backorders.count = Number of backorder lines in this order
  • backorders.sum = Number of backorders in this order
  • backorders.products = List (array) of products in this particular backorder, including: idproduct, productcode, name, amount, amountavailable

If-else statements

With if-else statements you may or may not display certain texts. As you can, for example, see in the standard email : "{% if single_shipment %}All {% else %} Some {% endif %} of your ordered products have now been shipped". Whenever all products of an order are shipped together, the email will display "All", otherwise "Some". This way, the sentence is built up based on certain conditions are met.

Possible examples are:

  • {% if single_shipment %} = all products of an order are shipped together
  • {% if has_shipment %} = if picklist include shipment
  • {% if shipment.trackingcode | length > 0 %} = if tracking code is available
  • {% if == 'de' %} = shipment going to Germany

You must supply an 'endif' statement for every 'if' statement, as shown in the example. An if statement can be followed by an optional 'else' statement, but is not required.

For loops

The 'for' loop can be used to go through an array of products and display certain information of these products. For example:

{% for product in products.products %}
- {{ product.amount }}x {{ }} ({{ product.productcode}}){
% endfor %}

The email will show:

- 1x Honig Standard Tripple (AT807917)
- 1x Mars Lumix Graphing (ZC360355)

Technical details

Emails are sent from You can set up a reply to address, and the replies will go to this email address instead of the From email address. This way we improve inbox acceptance rates of your emails.

We use DKIM signing for all email messages. Signing with DKIM enables the receiver to check whether an email claiming to come from a specific domain ( was indeed authorized by the domain owner. Also, SPF is activated.

We do not track email opens and clicks.

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