How to prepare an Excel file for easy import?
Do you have customer or product data in an Excel file? Easily import the file in Picqer and there is no need to add anything manually. This will save you a lot of time and work!
Prepare the Excel worksheet
To make sure you get an optimal result, you must prepare the Excel worksheet before importing it into Picqer. Otherwise your import may fail. A special attention is required to the following:
- Make sure your Excel worksheet contains no more than 10,0000 rows. If your import fails, reduce the amount to 5,000 rows.
- Clear all formatting in your Excel spreadsheet, such as bold, underline, italics, and more.
- Replace all formulas with their values.
- Your spreadsheet should have a first row that contains column names. This way, after importing the file, you can link the right columns to the right fields in Picqer.
- Save the fworksheet as .xlsx format.
Create an Excel worksheet without any formatting
Your file still fails to upload? Copy all the data and create a new spreadsheet. Now go to Edit > Paste Special, and choose Values. This way, your file does not have any formatting. You can do this as follow:
- Select all in your Excel worksheet.
- Open a new worksheet
- Go to Edit and choose Paste Special.
- Choose Paste Values.
- All formatting has now been removed.
- Save the worksheet as .xlsx format.<.
Do you want to know how to import an Excel file into Picqer? We made this short instruction video.