How to prioritize backorders?

It is possible to prioritise certain backorders. By default, priority is based on order date (first in, first out). Consequently, when backorders are available in the warehouse, oders with the oldest dates receive priority over those with earlier dates. This way, orders are processed in the most fair and equitable way, the highest-priority order is the one of which the customer has been waiting the longest.

Prioritise backorders

Need an order delivered urgently? You can prioritise any backorder by going to this particular order in the tab ‘Backorders’ (click on order). Next, you can choose ‘Prioritise backorder’ under the tab ‘More’ in the upper right hand corner. Subsequently, all backorders of this particular order are placed ahead in the queue, and when available in the warehouse, these backorders are processed first.

Check priority

You can check the priority of your backorders under the tab that says ‘Products’. Go to the product that is currently in backorder and click 'Backorders'. Next, you will see all backorders of that particular product. The lower the priority number, the earlier stock will be assigned to this backorder, when available.

In the example above, order 02015-1022 has priority one, and therefore, stock will be assigned to this backorder first. Currently, the backorders are available in the warehouse, so this order can be picked. However, would you rather process order 02015-1017, with priority two, first? Select this order and choose ‘Prioritise backorder’ under the tab ‘More’. Picqer will allocate the products of the first order to the second order, in favor of proccessing the second order first.

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