Discover what Picqer can do for you

In less than an hour, one of our warehouse experts will...

  • show you how Picqer works
  • explain all advantages for your company
  • and answer your questions

Leave your details and we'll get in touch immediately to schedule a personal demo.

Bram Bob Jefta

Demo request

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We will contact you as soon as possible to plan your demo.

- Bob, Bram, Frank and Jefta

We only use your data to contact you for a demo.
Online Deurbeslag Shop

Manage your warehouse with ease

The biggest difference we see with our new customers is the peace of mind that Picqer brings to their warehouse. This is important because it allows you to work faster, prevent mistakes and keep you in control. Do you want to know how Picqer can bring peace to your warehouse? We would be happy to tell you more in a personal demo.

  • Work from 1 central system in your warehouse
  • Process orders 5x faster
  • Get a grip on your warehouse
  • Work better with your team

Frequently asked questions

Who is Picqer for?

Picqer was created for web shops and fulfillment companies that run their own warehouse. A warehouse where you ship products as you received them (no assembly). The ideal size for Picqer is between 50 and 2000 orders per day.

How does a demo work?

We are happy to show you how Picqer works during an online demo with someone from our team. Together we look at your situation and how Picqer fits into it. A demo usually lasts a maximum of 45 minutes. If Picqer meets your needs, you will then receive a trial account with which you can try Picqer for free for 14 days.