Bol Retailer integration

Connect your Bol Retailer account to Picqer and streamline your entire order processing with Picqer.

About Bol Retailer

With a Bol Retailer account, you can sell your own products via while using your own warehouse. If you have a Bol Retailer account, our ready-to-use integration allows you to import orders in real time into Picqer. Ship your orders faster and easier, and gain control over your inventory with Picqer’s inventory management.

What can you do with this integration?

  • Orders are imported into Picqer in real time.
  • Shipping notifications, including tracking codes, are sent to Bol.
  • Create labels using Verzenden via bol for lower rates and better performance scores.
  • Do you sell through multiple Retailer accounts? Combine them in one Picqer account.

What is supported?

  • This connection works for all users with a Bol account.

Bol Gold Partner

Picqer is Gold Partner of Bol. This recognition from Bol signifies that the integration meets their highest standards for reliability and security. It also ensures that we have excellent communication with Bol to provide the best support.

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