DeliveryMatch integration
Connect DeliveryMatch to Picqer and ship letterbox parcels and packages with various carriers.
About DeliveryMatch
DeliveryMatch allows you to link one or more carriers to your webshop(s) and use the most cost-effective carrier for each destination based on your own contracts.
Connect Picqer to DeliveryMatch to automatically create shipments with a carrier of your choice. After creating the shipment, shipping labels are printed, and Track & Trace information is retrieved.
What can you do with this integration?
- Create shipping labels with one click that are pre-registered with the chosen carrier.
- Retrieve Track & Trace information and automatically send a shipping confirmation to the consumer.
- Automatically select the correct shipping profiles and delivery options based on the order contents using rules.
What is supported?
- This integration supports all users with a DeliveryMatch contract.