Cancel Shipment

Within the first 5 minutes after creating a shipment in Picqer, you can still cancel the shipment. For example, if you created the wrong shipment and need a different type. By canceling the shipment and creating the correct one, the customer will only receive the shipping notification for the new, correct shipment.

No connection with carriers

If you cancel a shipment in Picqer, this will not be communicated to the carrier. This is because not all carriers support this feature. Some carriers only charge for shipments that have actually been sent, so you don't need to cancel the shipment with them.

Make sure that if you need to cancel shipments with your carrier as well, you include this in your process.

5-minute waiting time for notifications

Once a picklist is completed, we send shipping notifications after 5 minutes to the webshop and via email to the customer. This waiting time is specifically to allow you to correct any errors in the shipment, ensuring that your customer receives the correct shipping notification.

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