Fulfillment portal address book

The fulfillment portal contains an address book for every fulfillment client. This makes it easy for users of the portal to store and reuse addresses.

Add Address

When placing a new order via the fulfillment portal, after entering the address, a check mark can be placed at Save to address book, at the bottom of the form. Check this to save the address in the address book once the order is placed.

Search address

While creating an order, an Address Book link is available where saved addresses are stored. Click to search for an address. You can search by:

  • Name
  • Contact
  • Address (and second address line)
  • Place
  • Email address

A maximum of 25 results are displayed. If the desired result is not listed, search more specifically.

Change address

You can change an address while placing the order. Look up the address so that all fields in the order are filled in. Then make the desired changes. Check at the bottom Save changes to address book to submit the changes. The change will be saved once the order is placed


  • Addresses can't be removed from the address book.
  • It's not possible to import a list with addresses to the address book.
  • The address book is not shared with the list of clients in your Picqer account.

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