Frequently Asked Questions about Magento 2

How does Picqer handle Magento Multi Source Inventory (MSI)?

Picqer does not currently support MSI. To ensure proper functionality with Picqer, MSI must be disabled. Always review the impact of this with your web developer using Magento's documentation.

Why are some products not synchronizing?

For Magento versions from 2.4.6 and below 2.3, there are known issues when product codes contain special characters such as "/", "€", or ",". In such cases, please contact to modify the product codes in Picqer and Magento in the correct way.

What shipping options are supported?

Check the page Shipping options per webshop for an overview of all supported carriers and options for Magento 2.

Is two-factor authentication supported?

Yes, however, you will need to create an integration for this in Magento. Instructions for doing so are explained on the page Creating an integration in Magento 2.

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