If you have multiple warehouses, Picqer allows you to move products from warehouse A to warehouse B. This is done through a ‘Movement’.
How do you create a movement?
In Picqer, go to Movements > New movement. Select the warehouses between which you want to perform the movement.
Next, add the products you wish to move. You can do this one by one or in bulk via an Excel file. If you are using an Excel file, make sure it contains the following columns:
- Productcode
- Amount
Check the amounts in your movement and click 'Save amounts'. Then move all products at once by clicking 'Move all products'.
You can only move your current free stock. Stock reserved for picklists cannot be moved. Do you want to move the stock from open picklists as well? In that case, first cancel the open picklists. Then, also change the warehouse for the relevant orders. The backorders (created after canceling the picklists) will now be assigned to the new warehouse.
Where do your products go?
During a movement, Picqer decides which location in your warehouse the products will be moved to. It is not possible to influence this choice manually.
If the product does not have a location linked in the new warehouse, the stock will be registered under ‘no specific location’.
If a location is already linked, the product will be moved there. When multiple locations are linked to a product, Picqer will choose the location that already has stock. If multiple linked locations have stock, Picqer will choose ‘no specific location’.
After the movement is completed, Picqer provides you with an overview of the movements performed. This overview shows all linked locations of a product. You will not see the specific location where a product was moved. For that, you need to navigate to the specific product.
Movement advice
With the Movement advice feature, Picqer provides you with an overview of products that you can move from one warehouse to another. The advice is based on the stock strategy of the product in the warehouse where you are moving the stock.
Stock Strategy 'Purchase only for backorders'If your product has the stock strategy ‘Purchase only for backorders’, Picqer will advise you to move this product when one or more backorders are open. So, if you have 3 backorders for this product in warehouse B, Picqer will advise moving 3 items from warehouse A to warehouse B.
Stock Strategy 'Keep in stock'For products with the stock strategy ‘Keep in stock’, Picqer will advise you to move the product from warehouse A to warehouse B if the stock in warehouse B is at or below the order level. Picqer will then advise moving enough stock to bring it up to the level you have set in the replenish stock field.