PostNL Pickup Locations in Belgium

For the integration with PostNL and MyParcel, we support "Pickup at PostNL" locations in Belgium.

The options for PostNL and MyParcel vary per webshop. We will walk you through each situation here.

If Picqer receives information about the selected pickup location from the webshop, Picqer will automatically create the correct shipping label.

Note: combinations not listed here are not supported.

Magento 2

For PostNL, we support Belgian pickup locations in Magento 2 starting from version 1.9.4 of the PostNL plugin.

For MyParcel, you integrate it the same way as for pickup locations in the Netherlands. Then, in the Magento Admin, go to Stores > Configuration > MyParcel > Checkout settings, where you activate Pickup at Belgium Pickup Location.


For PostNL, we support Belgian pickup locations in WooCommerce with the PostNL plugin.

For MyParcel, you integrate it the same way as for pickup locations in the Netherlands. Enable pickup locations for Belgium in the settings.


Lightspeed does not support foreign pickup locations.

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