Shipping notifications

Picqer can automatically send an email to your customer once a picklist is closed; this is the shipping notification. This allows you to notify the customer immediately about the shipment, regardless of your source system.

How It Works

  • For each template, you can set whether a shipping notification should be sent. These are sent as soon as you close the picklist.
  • Shipping notifications are only sent if a valid email address is provided in the order.
  • One email is sent per picklist. If there are multiple picklists for one order, multiple emails will be sent for that order.
  • The email has a default design, but you can customize the text and add your own logo using Templates.

Dynamic Text

You can place placeholders between double curly braces. Picqer will replace them with data from the order, picklist, or shipment.


Dear {{ }},
Dear Ewout Arink,

Available Placeholders

  • picklist.idpicklist
  • picklist.picklistid Visible picklist number in Picqer, e.g., P2016-1016
  • picklist.idwarehouse
  • order.idorder
  • order.orderid Visible order number in Picqer, e.g., O2016-1029
  • order.reference Customer's reference or order reference from the source system
  • order.webshop_id Order number from the webshop (only available if the order came from a webshop)
  • delivery_address.contactname
  • delivery_address.address
  • delivery_address.address2
  • delivery_address.zipcode
  • 2-letter ISO code of the country, e.g., "NL"
  • telephone
  • emailaddress
  • order.created_at Date and time the order was created
  • Your Picqer account's company name
  • status_page_url URL to the public status page
  • products.count Number of product lines for this picklist/shipment
  • products.sum Number of products for this picklist/shipment
  • products.products List (array) of products/shipments
    • idproduct
    • productcode
    • name
    • amount Number of shipped products
  • has_shipment True/false if a shipment is present; false if a picklist is closed without a shipment being created in Picqer
  • shipment.idshippingprovider
  • shipment.providername The name of the shipping provider you entered in Picqer
  • shipment.public_providername The official name of the carrier, e.g., "PostNL"
  • shipment.trackingcode Tracking code from the carrier
  • shipment.trackingurl Link to the carrier's public tracking page
  • shipments List (array) of all associated shipments. The first shipment is also included in the `shipment` variable for easier use, but all non-canceled shipments are in this list with the same data as a single shipment
  • single_shipment true/false If the entire order was shipped in one go, then true. False if the order was split into multiple picklists and the customer will receive multiple deliveries.


Want to move one step further? Use conditions to display different text in the email depending on the order status.

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