Sending Purchase Orders via E-mail
In Picqer you can directly email a purchase order to your supplier, making it easy and quick to place your order.
How it works
- For each purchase order, you can manually email the order to the supplier. On the purchase order page, you will find the "Send to Supplier" button.
- We attach an Excel and PDF file with the details of the purchase order for the supplier.
- The email has a default layout, but you can customize the text and add your own logo using Templates.
Dynamic Text
You can insert placeholders between double curly braces. These will be replaced by Picqer with data from the purchase order.
Dear {{ supplier.contactname }},
Dear Ewout Arink,
Available Placeholders
- The name of your Picqer account company
- The name of your supplier
- supplier.contactname Contact person at your supplier
- purchaseorder.idpurchaseorder
- purchaseorder.purchaseorderid The purchase order number in Picqer, such as PO2019-4637
- purchaseorder.supplier_orderid Order number of the supplier
- purchaseorder.remarks Notes on the purchase order
- purchaseorder.delivery_date Expected delivery date of the purchase order
- products.amount Total number of products in the purchase order
- products.total_price Total purchase price of the purchase order
- products.products List (array) of all products in the purchase order
- productcode
- name
- amount
- amount_received
- productcode_supplier
Want to take it a step further? Use conditions to display different text in the email depending on the status of the purchase order.
Example: Showing All Products in the Email
It is possible to show all proudcts of your purchase order in the email. To do this, use the placeholder {{ products.products }}. This will add a list of all products which you can walk through with 'for' to display them all. In the array, you will find the following data:
- productcode
- name
- amount
- amount_received
- productcode_supplier
The code would look like this:
{% for product in products.products %}
{{ product.amount }}x {{ }} ({{ product.productcode}})
{% endfor %}
{{ product.amount }}x {{ }} ({{ product.productcode}})
{% endfor %}
This is how it will appear in the email:
1x Honig Standard Tripple (AT807917)1x Mars Lumix Graphing (ZC360355)