Connect Veloyd
Veloyd has a direct integration with Picqer, allowing you to create shipping labels using your Veloyd account from within Picqer.
On this page
What is supported?
With this integration, you can send (mailbox) parcels to local and international businesses and home addresses with all the carriers that Veloyd supports.
To connect Picqer with Veloyd, you need an API key. Go to Settings > Integrations > Generate API key > Save in your Veloyd account. Not yet a customer of Veloyd? Contact Veloyd sales.
Connect Parcel Service
Go to Settings > Parcel Services > Add New Parcel Service in Picqer.
Select Veloyd from the list and click 'Connect'.
Enter the Veloyd API key.
Click 'Save'
You have now connected Picqer with Veloyd.
Add Shipping Profiles
Now, we’ll add a shipping profile. You can create as many shipping profiles as you want for each carrier, for all combinations of settings you want to use in Picqer.
The first time you can skip this step
Click on '+ Create Shipping Profile' at the top right
Fill in all fields based on your preferences:
- Give your shipping profile a name
- Select either Mailbox Parcel or Standard Parcel under Shipping Options based on your shipments.
Click 'Save'
Now that you’ve created a shipping profile, you can use Veloyd to send parcels.
If you want to use multiple shipping services, you can add more shipping profiles by clicking on '+ New Shipping Profile' at the top right and repeating these steps.
Create Shipment
After setting up a new parcel service, it’s a good idea to place a test order with the new shipping method in your webshop. You can then process this order in Picqer, including printing the shipping label. This ensures that all settings are correct. In the article How to create a shipment in Picqer you can read how to create your shipments in Picqer.
If you’ve added multiple shipping profiles, you can automatically select specific profiles for your shipments using rules.
This integration was developed by Veloyd. For questions you can contact Veloyd directly. You can reach Veloyd at