Batches 2.0

Launching Batches 2.0

At our Meet & Grill event it has become a tradition to launch new functionalities. This summer we have worked hard on Batches 2.0: faster and easier to process multiple picklists at once.

Batches 2.0

With the new batches we combined the best of combined picklists and singles to Picklists Batches. Now, we have more supervision, extra flexibility and the possibility to process batches paperless.

With singles you can swiftly pick pick lists that consist out of 1 product. With Batches 2.0, you can also make normal batches for picklists that contain multiple products.

This way, you can for example:
- Manually create batches with pick lists that you select - Change the appointed staff - Take a picklist out of a batch - See for which picklists you need to pick a product

And because of Picqer Mobile support and picking containers, you can pick single and normal batches completely paperless.

Normal pick list batches


We expanded our support pages with detailed information about the new batches.

Do you have any questions about the new batches? Then we are always there to help.