Picklist batches

You can pick, pack and send picklists individually. This works well for big products or big orders and it is a good start for when you’ve just set up your warehouse. Are the products and orders small? Then batches can save you a lot of time.

With picklists batches you bundle multiple picklists into 1. You collect all the products for these picklists within 1 round through your warehouse by walking an ideal route.

At your packing table you then pack and send your collected picklists per order.

Singles and normal batches

There are 2 types of batches: singles and normal ones. You see both types in the same overview at picklist batches.


Picklist batches

Singles Batch

A Singles Batch exists only out of picklists with 1 product. You can pick these products faster because you can put all of these products into 1 container or cart. When you collected the products and you are back at your packing table, Picqer knows exactly which picklist belongs to which product and helps you to quickly send the order.

Normale batch

With a Normal Batch, multiple picklists can be collected at once. Because it is possible that there is more than 1 product per picklist, you need to separate products per picklist during the picking process. You can do this by using a container or box. Picqer let you know in which container you need to put a product

After you collected all the products in a normal batch, you scan and send the picklists per order.

Creating a batch

You can create a batch with the batch wizard. Here you choose if you want to make a normal or a singles batch, and how many picklists you want to do. Also, you can filter which picklists you want to pick, for example on a specific tag or location.

Picqer shows you how many picklists meet your filter selection and will choose from there which picklists will land in your batch. We select the picklists whereby you will have the shortest walking route, for example to choose picklists with the same products or ones that lie close to each other.

The moment you click on create batch, the picklists will be assigned to a new batch.

Walking and processing batches

Singles and normal batches look different and are used differently during the picking process and processing. That’s why we will explain for both types how they work:

Paperless picking with the Picqer app

You can print batches on paper and pick like that, or paperless with the Picqer app. In the app you can see all batches you’ve created and can easily check off which products you've already picked. Also we have included scanner support for batches in the app.

Picking containers

With picking containers you give every container you use its own number and barcode. This makes it easier to process paperless batches. Read here how to use picking containers.

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