Expected availability date for orders and backorders
"When will my order be shipped?" It is sometimes hard to answer that question when not all products are in stock. But from now on Picqer will figure this out for you. That will make it easier for your customer service to answer such questions.
How does it work?
Per backorder Picqer keeps track of the expected date that this product will be in stock again. This is based on the purchase orders that are expected to come in. From the purchase orders we take the expected delivery date that you provided yourself.
This availability date is now shown in all backorder overviews:
In the details of the backorder you can see which purchase order provides the products for this backorder:
Per order
Based on the expected dates from the backorders, Picqer will calculate the date that the whole order is in stock and ready to ship.
When Picqer has that information, it will be shown in the order above the products:
Why 'expected'?
Backorders and purchase orders can be edited in Picqer. When you change the priority of the backorders, or a purchase order will be delivered earlier or later, the expected date changes accordingly.
Picqer Mobile 1.7
A month since the last release, we now present to you version 1.7 of the Picqer Mobile app. Picqer Mobile is our iOS app to use in your warebouse.
We re-did the shipment creation screen. We made it faster and easier to create new shipments and you can also directly change the weight of the shipment from the app.
Besides that, this release contains mostly big improvements to the code, so we can add new functionality more easily in the future. We also did a lot of small tweaks throughout the app when we updated the code. Maybe you will spot a few.
Version 1.7 is now available in the App Store.
Picqer Mobile 1.6 released
We have got a nice update of the Picqer Mobile app ready for you. Picqer mobile is our iOS app you can use inside your warehouse.
What's new in this version:
- insight in the current stock for all warehouses, including stock change history
- change the stock directly from within the app, to make it easier to do a stock recount or remove a lost product
- from the products tab, you can now scan a product barcode to view this product's details
- support for multiple barcodes per product
Version 1.6 is now available in the App Store.
New to the team: Tom
My name is Tom Rikken, and this week I started at Picqer as the new Support Guru. In this role I will be the first point of contact for customers calling, mailing or messaging us via social media. It is my challenge to understand our users as good as possible to give the best advise and help with any problems they accounter.
As a extension to my Business, Economy and Law study, I did a masters in Human Resource Management. It is in this study that I grew my interest in logistics and ecommerce. I also have a long time appetite for technology. That is why the choice for Picqer was an easy one.
I hope to improve my technical knowledge in this new job. I am looking forward to working in the Picqer team to become "every day a bit better" and help our users in any way I can.
Next to my job I love cooking, football, movies, technology and traveling. I am looking forward to helping you out and to getting to know you.
Picqer iOS Scanner App
After months of development and testing, it finally arrived: the Picqer iOS App. With this App you turn every iOS device into a mobile hand scanner. Welcome in the era of paperless picking.
Mobile picking
This first version of the App is focused on picklist handling. It is a companion for the people working in the warehouse. They directly see where they need to go, can scan their product and directly create a shipping label. Printing picklists on paper is a thing of the past now.
In the coming months we will add more features to the App. For example support for combined picklists and processing inbound orders.
Barcode scanner
The App has support for Honeywell barcode scanners) which can be added to a iPod touch or iPhone. With this scanner you can effortlessly scan the barcodes of the products. Even in dark warehouses.
Cost effective
An iPod touch with Honeywell scanner may look expensive with 650 euros, but you easily make that money back. With 40 orders a day, you will save the same money with less printing within 6 months.1
Download from the App Store
You can download the Picqer App in Apple's App Store. Sign in with your Picqer username and password and you can start picking. The App is available for all Picqer users for free.
We are very excited about this App. We hope you like it and please let us know what you think of it and what things we can improve.
1 We calculated this based on € 0,10 paper, toner and printer costs per page. 40 orders x 30 days x 6 months x € 0,10 per page = € 720