Easily connect
online stores & tools

Picqer gives you an overview of your logistics process. Easily connect your online stores, carriers, and customer service tools to Picqer. With information from all connected tools, you create an efficient logistics process.

In addition to standard integrations with the most used tools, you can connect any system to Picqer with our easy-to-use API. This gives you the freedom to choose which tools you want to use.

Connect in 2 minutes

Connect your online store, carrier, or customer service system to Picqer within 2 minutes using our ready-made integrations. This way, you can start using Picqer in just a few minutes.

New integrations in Picqer
Koppel webshops met Picqer

All your online stores in Picqer

Do you sell on multiple channels? No problem. Connect as many online stores as you want to one Picqer account. Picqer imports orders from all your channels and shows them in one convenient overview. We have official integrations with Magento, WooCommerce, and Shopify. We also connect with marketplaces like Bol Retailer.

All information centralized

Picqer handles the entire order processing. All information about your stock, products, and orders is shared between your online store and Picqer. This way, nobody in your warehouse needs to log into different platforms. Avoid retyping and process all orders the same way, preventing errors.

B2B Customer Portal

Do you sell B2B? Maybe your customers order via email or phone. Picqer eliminates this step. Your customers can place orders themselves in the Picqer Customer Portal. They also have insight into the status of previously placed orders and backorders. This frees up your team's time for other tasks.

Use your favorite carrier

Easily ship orders from Picqer. We have direct integrations with the most well-known carriers. Picqer automatically registers orders with the carrier and prints the shipping label when you complete the order. You’ll never have to manually register an order with your carrier again.

For some carriers, we support extra services like pickup locations and evening delivery. The customer selects this when placing the order. Picqer automatically transfers this information from your store.

Integrate customer service tools with Picqer

Insight for your customer service

Provide your customer service with direct insight into the status of orders and returns by integrating your customer service system with Picqer. This information is found directly in your customer service tool in the customer overview, allowing you to answer customer questions more quickly. Picqer integrates with tools like Trengo and Belco. Our API allows integration with any customer service tool.

Products picked at Visdeal

"If we had started using Picqer three years earlier, it would have saved us a lot of manpower and errors, and brought much more peace to the company. Inventory is now better managed, customers get what they ordered, and labor costs are lower."

Willem Bontrup, Visdeal.nl
API documentation from Picqer

Connect everything with our API

Do you have a tool for which no standard integration exists? With Picqer's API, you can easily connect other systems. You can edit information, add new data, and automate actions. Your programmer can also create custom integrations to make Picqer work with your favorite tool.

Through the API, you can also receive real-time notifications of important changes. This allows you to update inventory changes on your website in real-time or send a notification to your customer when a shipment is sent.

View API documentation (in English)

Connect your tools easily

Easily connect your tools to Picqer to gain an overview of your logistics process. Want an efficient logistics process and want to know how Picqer can help you? Try it yourself or talk to one of our experts.

  • Process orders 5x faster
  • Work better with your team
  • Get a grip on your warehouse with one system
  • Easily connect online stores & tools

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