
Backorders are order lines that cannot be picked yet because of the stock levels. Backorders will be created when an order is closed and the product is not available, or when partial delivery is not allowed and one of the products of the order has not enough stock.


Name Type Required Description
idbackorder integer generated Unique Picqer reference
idorder_product integer generated Linked Order Product
idorder integer required Linked Order
idproduct integer required Linked Product
idcustomer integer required Linked Customer
idwarehouse integer required Linked Warehouse
amount integer required Amount of products that is in backorder
amount_available integer required Amount of products that is in stock and that are reserved for this backorder
priority integer required Priority of the backorder. The lower this number, the earlier stock will be assigned to this backorder
created_at datetime required Moment that this backorder was created
date_available datetime read-only Date that this backorder is expected to be in stock, based on purchase orders, only shown when retrieving a specific backorder

Get all backorders

HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "idbackorder": 316214, "idorder_product": 859043, "idorder": 119077, "idproduct": 126588, "idcustomer": 5633, "idwarehouse": 18, "amount": 10, "amount_available": 0, "priority": 2, "part_of_idbackorder": null, "parts_per_parent": null, "created_at": "2014-08-11 14:11:23" } ]
This endpoint uses pagination.


You can filter with the following parameters. Add these filters as querystring parameters to the URL.

Attribute Description Example
idorder Only get backorders for this order 2
idproduct Only get backorders for this product 13
idcustomer Only get backorders for this customer 32659450
sinceid Get the backorder with a later idorder_backorder then given. 201992
sincedate Get the backorders that are added after this date and time. 2022-01-01 12:00:00

Get a backorder

HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idbackorder": 316214, "idorder_product": 859043, "idorder": 119077, "idproduct": 126588, "idcustomer": 5633, "idwarehouse": 18, "amount": 10, "amount_available": 0, "priority": 2, "part_of_idbackorder": null, "parts_per_parent": null, "created_at": "2014-08-11 14:11:23", "date_available": "2014-09-02" }

Delete backorders

Note that 'deleting' a backorder will also result in the order line being cancelled.

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Process backorders

When backorders are available in the warehouse, backorders will not automatically be converted to picklists. You can do this in the Picqer interface or you can call this 'process backorders' request. This will generate picklists for all available backorders. It's also possible to create a picklist from available backorders for a single order.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK []

Get all backorders for order

You can get all backorders for a specific order. This will give you also the date_available that is not available in overview of all backorders.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "idbackorder": 316214, "idorder_product": 859043, "idorder": 119077, "idproduct": 126588, "idcustomer": 5633, "idwarehouse": 18, "amount": 10, "amount_available": 0, "priority": 2, "part_of_idbackorder": null, "parts_per_parent": null, "created_at": "2014-08-11 14:11:23", "date_available": "2014-09-02" }, { "idbackorder": 316216, "idorder_product": 859033, "idorder": 119077, "idproduct": 126589, "idcustomer": 5633, "idwarehouse": 18, "amount": 10, "amount_available": 5, "priority": 8, "part_of_idbackorder": null, "parts_per_parent": null, "created_at": "2014-08-11 14:11:23", "date_available": "2014-09-11" } ]
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