Picklist batches

Multiple picklists can be collected in a single run through the warehouse with picklist batches.


Name Type Description
idpicklist_batch integer Unique Picqer reference
picklist_batchid string Per-account batch ID
idwarehouse integer Linked to resource Warehouse
type string Type of batch: "singles" or "normal"
status string "open" or "completed"
assigned_to array Data of the assigned user (iduser, full_name, username)
completed_by array Data of the user that completed the batch (iduser, full_name, username)
total_products integer Total amount of products in the batch
total_picklists integer Amount of picklists in the batch
completed_at datetime Date and time from when the batch became completed
created_at datetime Date and time from when the batch was created
updated_at datetime Date and time from when the batch was last updated

Get all picklist batches

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/picklists/batches
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "idpicklist_batch": 3, "idwarehouse": 1, "picklist_batchid": 3, "type": "singles", "status": "open", "assigned_to": { "iduser": 2, "full_name": "Casper Bakker", "username": "casper" }, "completed_by": null, "total_products": 31, "total_picklists": 25, "completed_at": null, "created_at": "2020-03-18 12:21:25", "updated_at": "2020-03-18 12:21:25" } ]
This endpoint uses pagination.


You can filter the picklists with the following parameters. Add these filters as querystring parameters to the URL.

Attribute Description Example
idwarehouse Get batches after this idwarehouse
assigned_to_iduser Get batches assigned to this iduser
type Get batches from only a single type, only "singles" or "normal" allowed normal
status Get batches with this status, only "open" and "completed" allowed open
products Array of products for this picklist batch, from all the picklists combined open

Get single picklist batch

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/picklists/batches/{idpicklist_batch}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idpicklist_batch": 3, "idwarehouse": 1, "picklist_batchid": 3, "type": "singles", "status": "open", "assigned_to": { "iduser": 2, "full_name": "Casper Bakker", "username": "casper" }, "completed_by": null, "total_products": 31, "total_picklists": 25, "completed_at": null, "created_at": "2020-03-18 12:21:25", "updated_at": "2020-03-18 12:21:25", "products": [ { "idproduct": 262, "name": "Opel HC-V100 Lounge Black", "productcode": "TF748199", "productcode_supplier": "OPE-TF748199", "stock_location": "A.4.8.3", "image": "https:\/\/example.org\/original.jpg", "barcodes": [ "9228161561252" ], "productfields": [], "amount": 2, "amount_picked": 0, "amount_collected": 0 }, { "idproduct": 236, "name": "Opel Record Needle Blue Wide-Format Black\/White", "productcode": "HQ725608", "productcode_supplier": "OPE-HQ725608", "stock_location": "A.5.1.2", "image": "https:\/\/example.org\/original.jpg", "barcodes": [ "2699996573289" ], "productfields": [], "amount": 1, "amount_picked": 0, "amount_collected": 0 } ], "picklists": [ { "idpicklist": 422, "picklistid": "P2021-1002", "reference": null, "status": "new", "alias": "A", "picking_container": null, "total_products": 1, "delivery_name": "Stephan Groen", "has_notes": false, "has_customer_remarks": false, "customer_remarks": null, "created_at": "2021-07-29 10:53:18" }, { "idpicklist": 763, "picklistid": "P2021-1003", "reference": null, "status": "new", "alias": "B", "picking_container": null, "total_products": 1, "delivery_name": "Stephan Groen", "has_notes": false, "has_customer_remarks": false, "customer_remarks": null, "created_at": "2021-07-29 11:34:28" } ] }

Get PDF of picklist batch

PDF of a picklist batch can be retrieved as a direct PDF document from the API.

You will get different documents based on the type, a normal batch has a different format then a singles batch.

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/picklists/batches/{idpicklist_batch}/pdf
HTTP/1.1 200 OK --PDF Blob--

You can also get the batch PDF with the picklists or packinglists of the linked picklists included. There you can add the querystring parameter "includePicklists" or "includePackinglists", like "https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/picklists/batches/{idpicklist_batch}/pdf?includePicklists".

Create new batch

You can create a new batch via the API. You can create one based on a batch preset, or by providing specific picklists.

Use idpicklist_batch_preset to create a new batch based on a preset.

Use idpicklists to create a new batch with specific picklists in it.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/picklists/batches
{ "idpicklists": [ 422, 763 ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created { "idpicklist_batch": 9, "idwarehouse": 1, "picklist_batchid": 9, "type": "singles", "status": "open", "assigned_to": null, "completed_by": null, "total_products": 2, "total_picklists": 2, "completed_at": null, "created_at": "2021-07-30 16:13:53", "updated_at": "2021-07-30 16:13:53", "idfulfilment_customer": null, "products": [ { "idproduct": 512, "name": "Juliana Short-Sleeve Tee-XL-Black", "productcode": "WS07-XL-Black", "productcode_supplier": null, "image": null, "barcodes": [ "WS07-XL-Black" ], "productfields": [], "stock_location": "", "amount": 2, "amount_picked": 0, "amount_collected": 0 } ], "picklists": [ { "idpicklist": 422, "picklistid": "P2021-1002", "reference": null, "status": "new", "alias": "A", "picking_container": null, "total_products": 1, "delivery_name": "Stephan Groen", "has_notes": false, "has_customer_remarks": false, "customer_remarks": null, "created_at": "2021-07-29 10:53:18" }, { "idpicklist": 763, "picklistid": "P2021-1003", "reference": null, "status": "new", "alias": "B", "picking_container": null, "total_products": 1, "delivery_name": "Stephan Groen", "has_notes": false, "has_customer_remarks": false, "customer_remarks": null, "created_at": "2021-07-29 11:34:28" } ] }

You can only add open picklists to a batch. All picklists should be for the same warehouse.

Add picklist to existing batch

If you want to add a picklist to an existing batch, use this endpoint.

The picklist should be for the same warehouse as the batch is linked to.

Picklists with more then 1 product can only be added to normal batches, not to singles batches.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/picklists/batches/{idpicklist_batch}/picklists
{ "idpicklist": 382 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created { "idpicklist_batch": 9, "idwarehouse": 1, ... "picklists": [ { "idpicklist": 422, "picklistid": "P2021-1002", "reference": null, "status": "new", "alias": "A", "picking_container": null, "total_products": 1, "delivery_name": "Stephan Groen", "has_notes": false, "has_customer_remarks": false, "customer_remarks": null, "created_at": "2021-07-29 10:53:18" }, { "idpicklist": 763, "picklistid": "P2021-1003", "reference": null, "status": "new", "alias": "B", "picking_container": null, "total_products": 1, "delivery_name": "Stephan Groen", "has_notes": false, "has_customer_remarks": false, "customer_remarks": null, "created_at": "2021-07-29 11:34:28" }, { "idpicklist": 382, "picklistid": "P2021-1004", "reference": null, "status": "new", "alias": "C", "picking_container": null, "total_products": 1, "delivery_name": "Stephan Groen", "has_notes": false, "has_customer_remarks": false, "customer_remarks": null, "created_at": "2021-07-29 11:34:28" } ] }

Remove picklist from batch

You can remove (or unlink) a picklist from a batch. The picklist will still exist, but it is unlinked from the batch.

DELETE https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/picklists/batches/{idpicklist_batch}/picklists/{idpicklist}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idpicklist_batch": 9, "idwarehouse": 1, ... "picklists": [ { "idpicklist": 422, "picklistid": "P2021-1002", "reference": null, "status": "new", "alias": "A", "picking_container": null, "total_products": 1, "delivery_name": "Stephan Groen", "has_notes": false, "has_customer_remarks": false, "customer_remarks": null, "created_at": "2021-07-29 10:53:18" } ] }

Assign batch to user

You can assign (or unassign) a batch to a user. This will also assign all included picklists to the same user.

Use the iduser of the user to assign, or use `null` to unassign the batch.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/picklists/batches/{idpicklist_batch}/assign
{ "iduser": 233 }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idpicklist_batch": 9, "idwarehouse": 1, "assigned_to": { "iduser": 2, "full_name": "John Vorhees", "username": "john" }, ... }

View picklists of product in batch

If you want to view all picklists of a specific product in a picklist batch, you can retrieve this through the API.

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/picklists/batches/{idpicklist_batch}/product/{idproduct}/picklists
[ { "idpicklist": 1, "picklistid": "P2024-1001", "idcustomer": 44, "idorder": 776, "idreturn": null, "idwarehouse": 1, "idtemplate": 1, "idpicklist_batch": 83, "idshippingprovider_profile": null, "deliveryname": "Amelia Zevenboom", "deliverycontact": null, "deliveryaddress": "Kuipershof 85", "deliveryaddress2": null, "deliveryzipcode": "6461JD", "deliverycity": "Koningsbosch", "deliveryregion": "Noord-Brabant", "deliverycountry": "NL", ... "products": [ { "idpicklist_product": 409, "idproduct": 69, "idorder_product": 1039, "idreturn_product_replacement": null, "idvatgroup": 1, "productcode": "ZV329330", "name": "Panasonic Eco Drive Black/White", "remarks": null, "amount": 1, "amountpicked": 0, "amount_picked": 0, "price": 300.73, "weight": 2930, "stocklocation": "B.2.3.3", "stock_location": "B.2.3.3", "partof_idpicklist_product": null, "has_parts": false, "pick_locations": [ { "idlocation": 404, "name": "B.2.3.3", "amount": 1 } ] } ], "comment_count": 0 }, { "idpicklist": 2, "picklistid": "P2024-1001", "idcustomer": 5, "idorder": 684, "idreturn": null, "idwarehouse": 1, "idtemplate": 1, "idpicklist_batch": 83, "idshippingprovider_profile": null, "deliveryname": "Seth Olykan", "deliverycontact": null, "deliveryaddress": "Erhoutlaan 24-d", "deliveryaddress2": null, "deliveryzipcode": "3132CS", "deliverycity": "Barsingerhorn", "deliveryregion": "Drenthe", "deliverycountry": "NL", ... "products": [ { "idpicklist_product": 516, "idproduct": 69, "idorder_product": 902, "idreturn_product_replacement": null, "idvatgroup": 1, "productcode": "ZV329330", "name": "Panasonic Eco Drive Black/White", "remarks": null, "amount": 1, "amountpicked": 1, "amount_picked": 1, "price": 300.73, "weight": 2930, "stocklocation": "B.2.3.3", "stock_location": "B.2.3.3", "partof_idpicklist_product": null, "has_parts": false, "pick_locations": [ { "idlocation": 404, "name": "B.2.3.3", "amount": 1 } ] } ], "comment_count": 0 } ]
Read more Shipments