

Name Type Required Description
idtag integer generated Unique Picqer reference
title string required
color string required Hexadecimal color code of the tag
inherit boolean required Do orders inherit the tags of a customer
textColor string read-only Hexadecimal color code of the text in the tag, automatically a contrasting color

Get all tags

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/tags
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "idtag": 3, "title": "Woocommerce", "color": "#a68198", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" }, { "idtag": 2, "title": "Magento", "color": "#ebb050", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" } ]
This endpoint uses pagination.

Get a single tag

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/tags/{idtag}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idtag": 3, "title": "Woocommerce", "color": "#a68198", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" }

Create a tag

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/tags
{ "title": "Shopify", "color": "#823882", "inherit": false }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created { "idtag": 4, "title": "Shopify", "color": "#823882", "inherit": false, "textColor": "#000000" }

Update a tag

PUT https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/tags/{idtag}
{ "name": "Mosley" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idtag": 4, "title": "Mosley", "color": "#823882", "inherit": false, "textColor": "#000000" }

Delete a tag

DELETE https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/tags/{idtag}
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
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