Stock history
There are 2 different endpoints about stock history:
- Stock history (this page): only contains changes of the stock levels of a product. This gives you every product coming in or going out of your warehouse. Mentioned stock levels are on a product-warehouse basis.
- Location stock history: gives stock changes on a per location basis. Which means that it also tracks stock movements inside the same warehouse. Mentioned stock levels are on a product-location basis.
Get full stock history
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"idproduct_stock_history": 7328372,
"idproduct": 1107613,
"idwarehouse": 1124,
"iduser": 424,
"old_stock": 21,
"stock_change": 3,
"new_stock": 24,
"reason": "No reason given",
"change_type": "manual",
"changed_at": "2016-08-01 10:43:43"
"idproduct_stock_history": 7328371,
"idproduct": 1106133,
"idwarehouse": 13,
"iduser": null,
"old_stock": 0,
"stock_change": 21,
"new_stock": 21,
"reason": "External",
"change_type": "api",
"changed_at": "2016-07-27 14:33:59"
This endpoint uses pagination.
You can filter the history with the following parameters. Add these filters as querystring parameters to the URL.
Attribute | Description | Example |
sincedate | Get the history that is added after this date and time. | 2016-01-01 12:00:00 |
untildate | Get the history that is added before this date and time. | 2024-01-01 00:00:00 |
idproduct | Get the history for this product. | 1106133 |
idwarehouse | Get the history in this warehouse. | 13 |
iduser | Get the history made by this user. | 424 |
Get single history item
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"idproduct_stock_history": 7328372,
"idproduct": 1107613,
"idwarehouse": 1124,
"iduser": 424,
"old_stock": 21,
"stock_change": 3,
"new_stock": 24,
"reason": "No reason given",
"change_type": "manual",
"changed_at": "2016-08-01 10:43:43"
Change types
Every change in the stock level of a product is categorized by a change_type. These are the possible change types:
- api
- import
- initialimport
- manual
- moved
- picking
- pickingrollback
- production
- purchaseorder
- quickscan
- receipt
- returned
- stockcount
- webshopimport
Changing history
Of course it is not possible to change history. Therefor you cannot POST, PUT or DELETE history items.
But you can change the stock. See the products endpoint for information about changing current stock levels.
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