

Name Type Description
iduser integer Unique Picqer reference
idpacking_station integer Packing station linked to the user
username string
firstname string
lastname string
first_name string
last_name string
emailaddress string
language string Language of the user interface
admin boolean Has this user admin rights (at least 1 user per company)
active boolean Inactive users cannot login and do not count towards user quota
last_login_at datetime Moment of last login at web interface for this user
rights array Rights for this user

Get all users

HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "iduser": 423, "idpacking_station": 2491, "username": "stephan", "firstname": "Stephan", "lastname": "Groen", "first_name": "Stephan", "last_name": "Groen", "emailaddress": "", "language": "nl", "admin": true, "active": true, "last_login_at": "2023-06-24 12:11:20", "created_at": "2013-12-19 13:47:13", "updated_at": "2015-07-24 12:11:20" } ]
This endpoint uses pagination.


You can filter the users with the following parameters. Add these filters as querystring parameters to the URL.

Attribute Description Example
active If provided, you only get the active users. Otherwise all users. true

Get a single user

HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "iduser": 423, "idpacking_station": 2491, "username": "stephan", "firstname": "Stephan", "lastname": "Groen", "first_name": "Stephan", "last_name": "Groen", "emailaddress": "", "language": "nl", "admin": true, "active": true, "last_login_at": "2023-06-24 12:11:20", "created_at": "2013-12-19 13:47:13", "updated_at": "2015-07-24 12:11:20", "rights": [ { "right": "orders.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "orders.cancel", "granted": true }, { "right": "picklists.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "picklists.cancel", "granted": true }, { "right": "picklists.manual_pick", "granted": true }, { "right": "picklists.manual_pick_all", "granted": true }, { "right": "backorders.process", "granted": true }, { "right": "", "granted": true }, { "right": "purchaseorders.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "purchaseorders.mark_as_purchased", "granted": true }, { "right": "receipts.add_product", "granted": true }, { "right": "products.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "stock.manual_change", "granted": true }, { "right": "stock.move", "granted": true }, { "right": "products.show_fixedstockprice", "granted": true }, { "right": "fulfilment_customers.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "warehouses.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "warehouses.stock_value", "granted": true }, { "right": "locations.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "", "granted": true }, { "right": "", "granted": true }, { "right": "exports_imports", "granted": true } ] }

Get me, myself and I

Returns the user information of the current logged in user, should be you

HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "iduser": 423, "idpacking_station": 2491, "username": "stephan", "firstname": "Stephan", "lastname": "Groen", "first_name": "Stephan", "last_name": "Groen", "emailaddress": "", "language": "nl", "admin": true, "active": true, "last_login_at": "2023-06-24 12:11:20", "created_at": "2013-12-19 13:47:13", "updated_at": "2015-07-24 12:11:20", "rights": [ { "right": "orders.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "orders.cancel", "granted": true }, { "right": "picklists.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "picklists.cancel", "granted": true }, { "right": "picklists.manual_pick", "granted": true }, { "right": "picklists.manual_pick_all", "granted": true }, { "right": "backorders.process", "granted": true }, { "right": "", "granted": true }, { "right": "purchaseorders.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "purchaseorders.mark_as_purchased", "granted": true }, { "right": "receipts.add_product", "granted": true }, { "right": "products.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "stock.manual_change", "granted": true }, { "right": "stock.move", "granted": true }, { "right": "products.show_fixedstockprice", "granted": true }, { "right": "fulfilment_customers.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "warehouses.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "warehouses.stock_value", "granted": true }, { "right": "locations.edit", "granted": true }, { "right": "", "granted": true }, { "right": "", "granted": true }, { "right": "exports_imports", "granted": true } ] }
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