
Orders are sales you made to customers that now need to be fulfilled.

  1. Create an order. The order will be created with status 'concept'.
  2. If desired, add tags to the order.
  3. Mark the order as 'processing'. If the products are in stock, a picklist will be created automatically. If the products are not in stock, backorders will be created.


The optional fields will be filled based on the selected customer, if fields are empty.

Name Type Required Description
idorder integer generated Unique Picqer reference
idcustomer integer optional Linked to resource Customers, when idcustomer is not given, a guest-order will be created
idtemplate integer optional Linked to resource Templates, if null the default template will be selected
idshippingprovider_profile integer optional The preferred shipping provider profile for this order
orderid integer generated Per-account order number
deliveryname string optional* Name of delivery address
deliverycontactname string optional Contact name of delivery address
deliveryaddress string optional Address line of delivery address
deliveryaddress2 string optional Second address line. Not accepted by all shipping providers
deliveryzipcode string optional ZIP code of delivery address
deliverycity string optional City of delivery address
deliveryregion string optional Region, province or state of delivery address
deliverycountry string optional* Country of delivery address (needs to be ISO 3166 2-char code)
full_delivery_address string optional Delivery address formatted as they do locally
invoicename string optional* Name of invoice address
invoicecontactname string optional Contact name of invoice address
invoiceaddress string optional Address line of invoice address
invoiceaddress2 string optional Second address line. Not accepted by all invoice providers.
invoicezipcode string optional ZIP code of invoice address
invoicecity string optional City of invoice address
invoiceregion string optional Region, state or province of invoice address
invoicecountry string optional* Country of invoice address (needs to be ISO 3166 2-char code)
full_invoice_address string optional Invoice address formatted as they do locally
telephone string optional Telephone number of the customer
emailaddress string optional Email address of the customer
reference string optional Reference for customer, will be printed on invoice and picking list
customer_remarks string optional Remarks from the customer, will be printed on picking and packing list
partialdelivery boolean optional If Picqer AutoSplit is enabled, order can be split over multiple picklists over multiple warehouses. If disabled, it will wait for all products to be available
discount float optional Discount percentage of order
invoiced boolean optional If this order is already invoiced, set this to true. This will make sure Picqer will not invoice this order.
status string generated Status of the order (concept, expected, processing, paused, completed or cancelled)
via_portal boolean generated If this order was placed through the customer portal
idfulfilment_customer integer optional Only for Picqer Fulfilment: Linked to belonging fulfilment customer
warehouses array optional Warehouses that can be used to fulfil this order. If not provided, it will be filled with all warehouses that accept orders.
tags array optional Tags linked to this order
pickup_point_data array optional Information about pickup point for shipping provider See examples for pickup point data
preferred_delivery_date date optional Customer supplied preferred delivery date, in format yyyy-mm-dd.
language string optional Language used for communication with customer, 'nl' or 'en'
products array required Products in this order
products.idproduct integer required Linked to resource Products. Not required if the productcode is provided instead.
products.amount integer required Amount of products
products.productcode varchar optional Override the productcode
products.name varchar optional Override the name
products.remarks varchar optional Override the description of the product
products.price float optional Override the price
products.idvatgroup integer optional Override the vatgroup, linked to resource Vatgroups
pricelists array optional Pricelists selected for this order
picklists array optional Contains details of the picklists linked to the order

*) These fields are required, but if an idcustomer is provided Picqer will copy these fields from the customer object.

Get all orders

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "idorder": 6576, "idcustomer": 5633, "idtemplate": 338, "idshippingprovider_profile": null, "orderid": "30130012", "deliveryname": "Triangle B.V.", "deliverycontactname": "Jos Triepels", "deliveryaddress": "Koppeling 15", "deliveryaddress2": null, "deliveryzipcode": "6983 HX", "deliverycity": "Doesburg", "deliveryregion": null, "deliverycountry": "NL", "full_delivery_address": "Triangle B.V.\nJos Triepels\nKoppeling 15\n6983 HX Doesburg\nNederland", "invoicename": "Triangle B.V.", "invoicecontactname": "Crediteurenadministratie", "invoiceaddress": "Koppeling 15", "invoiceaddress2": null, "invoicezipcode": "6983 HX", "invoicecity": "Doesburg", "invoiceregion": null, "invoicecountry": "NL", "full_invoice_address": "Triangle B.V.\nCrediteurenadministratie\nKoppeling 15\n6983 HX Doesburg\nNederland", "telephone": null, "emailaddress": null, "reference": null, "customer_remarks": null, "pickup_point_data": null, "partialdelivery": true, "auto_split": true, "invoiced": false, "preferred_delivery_date": null, "discount": 0, "calculatevat": true, "language": "nl", "status": "processing", "via_portal": false, "public_status_page": "https://example.picqer.com/s/eB1KLYRIN41p5xt2", "created": "2013-07-17 16:01:42", "updated": "2013-07-17 16:02:14", "warehouses": [ 1829, 2811 ], "tags": { "TopWebshop": { "idtag": 1075, "title": "TopWebshop", "color": "#5993be", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" }, "SummerProducts": { "idtag": 1156, "title": "SummerProducts", "color": "#c7b4f6", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" } }, "products": [ { "idorder_product": 86868, "idproduct": 633, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RB-7-9", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 64.46, "amount": 1, "amount_cancelled": 0, "weight": 283, "partof_idorder_product": null, "has_parts": true }, { "idorder_product": 86869, "idproduct": 653, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RE", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 164.46, "amount": 1, "amount_cancelled": 0, "weight": 1821, "partof_idorder_product": null, "has_parts": true } ], "pricelists": [], "picklists": [] }, { "idorder": 6754, "idcustomer": 5633, "orderid": "20130014", "deliveryname": "Triangle B.V.", "deliverycontactname": "Jos Triepels", "deliveryaddress": "Koppeling 15", "deliveryaddress2": null, "deliveryzipcode": "6983 HX", "deliverycity": "Doesburg", "deliveryregion": null, "deliverycountry": "NL", "full_delivery_address": "Triangle B.V.\nJos Triepels\nKoppeling 15\n6983 HX Doesburg\nNederland", "invoicename": "Triangle B.V.", "invoicecontactname": "Crediteurenadministratie", "invoiceaddress": "Koppeling 15", "invoiceaddress2": null, "invoicezipcode": "6983 HX", "invoicecity": "Doesburg", "invoiceregion": null, "invoicecountry": "NL", "full_invoice_address": "Triangle B.V.\nCrediteurenadministratie\nKoppeling 15\n6983 HX Doesburg\nNederland", "telephone": null, "emailaddress": null, "reference": null, "customer_remarks": null, "pickup_point_data": null, "partialdelivery": true, "auto_split": true, "invoiced": false, "preferred_delivery_date": null, "discount": 0, "calculatevat": true, "language": "nl", "status": "processing", "via_portal": false, "public_status_page": "https://example.picqer.com/s/eB1KLYRIN41p5xt2", "created": "2013-07-17 16:11:42", "updated": "2013-07-17 16:12:14", "warehouses": [ 1829, 2811 ], "tags": { "TopWebshop": { "idtag": 1075, "title": "TopWebshop", "color": "#5993be", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" }, "SummerProducts": { "idtag": 1156, "title": "SummerProducts", "color": "#c7b4f6", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" } }, "products": [ { "idorder_product": 86879, "idproduct": 633, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RB-7-9", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 64.46, "amount": 1, "amount_cancelled": 0, "weight": 9828, "partof_idorder_product": null, "has_parts": true }, { "idorder_product": 86880, "idproduct": 653, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RE", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 164.46, "amount": 1, "amount_cancelled": 0, "weight": 1821, "partof_idorder_product": null, "has_parts": true } ], "pricelists": [], "picklists": [ { "idpicklist": 53398250, "picklistid": "P2013-1832", "idcustomer": null, "idorder": 6754, "idreturn": null, "idwarehouse": 2811, "idtemplate": 6200, "idshippingprovider_profile": 12638, "deliveryname": "Triangle B.V.", "deliverycontact": "Jos Triepels", "deliveryaddress": "Koppeling 15", "deliveryaddress2": "", "deliveryzipcode": "6983 HX", "deliverycity": "Doesburg", "deliveryregion": "", "deliverycountry": "NL", "telephone": "", "emailaddress": "", "reference": "", "assigned_to_iduser": null, "invoiced": false, "urgent": true, "preferred_delivery_date": null, "status": "new", "totalproducts": 2, "totalpicked": 2, "snoozed_until": null, "closed_by_iduser": null, "closed_at": null, "created": "2013-07-18 20:44:17", "updated": "2013-07-19 13:58:54", "idfulfilment_customer": null, "comment_count": 0 } ] } ]
This endpoint uses pagination.


You can filter the orders with the following parameters. Add these filters as querystring parameters to the URL.

Attribute Description Example
search Search through the fields orderid, reference, customer name and customer contact name.
sinceid Get the orders with a later idorder than given. 201992
beforeid Get the orders with a smaller idorder than given. 366672
sincedate Get the orders that are added after this date and time. 2022-01-01 12:00:00
untildate Get the orders that are added before this date and time. 2022-01-01 22:00:00
orderid Get the orders that have this value as orderid. O2015-29188
status Get the orders that have this status. concept
reference Get the orders that have this value as reference.
emailaddress Get the orders that have this value as email address.
idcustomer Get all orders for this customer.
idwarehouse Get the orders that can be delivered from this warehouse.

Get single order

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 6576, "idcustomer": 5633, "idtemplate": 323, "idshippingprovider_profile": null, "orderid": "20130012", "deliveryname": "Triangle B.V.", "deliverycontactname": "Jos Triepels", "deliveryaddress": "Koppeling 15", "deliveryaddress2": null, "deliveryzipcode": "6983 HX", "deliverycity": "Doesburg", "deliveryregion": null, "deliverycountry": "NL", "full_delivery_address": "Triangle B.V.\nJos Triepels\nKoppeling 15\n6983 HX Doesburg\nNederland", "invoicename": "Triangle B.V.", "invoicecontactname": "Crediteurenadministratie", "invoiceaddress": "Koppeling 15", "invoiceaddress2": null, "invoicezipcode": "6983 HX", "invoicecity": "Doesburg", "invoiceregion": null, "invoicecountry": "NL", "full_invoice_address": "Triangle B.V.\nCrediteurenadministratie\nKoppeling 15\n6983 HX Doesburg\nNederland", "telephone": null, "emailaddress": null, "reference": null, "customer_remarks": null, "pickup_point_data": null, "partialdelivery": true, "auto_split": true, "invoiced": false, "preferred_delivery_date": null, "discount": 0, "calculatevat": true, "status": "complete", "via_portal": false, "public_status_page": "https://example.picqer.com/s/eB1KLYRIN41p5xt2", "created": "2013-07-17 16:01:42", "updated": "2013-07-17 16:02:14", "warehouses": [ 1829, 2811 ], "products": [ { "idorder_product": 86868, "idproduct": 633, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RB-7-9", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 64.46, "amount": 1, "amount_cancelled": 0, "weight": 0, "partof_idorder_product": null, "has_parts": true }, { "idorder_product": 86879, "idproduct": 653, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RE", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 164.46, "amount": 1, "amount_cancelled": 0, "weight": 1821, "partof_idorder_product": null, "has_parts": true } ], "tags": { "TopWebshop": { "idtag": 1075, "title": "TopWebshop", "color": "#5993be", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" }, "SummerProducts": { "idtag": 1156, "title": "SummerProducts", "color": "#c7b4f6", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" } }, "orderfields": [ { "idorderfield": 35, "title": "Klantreferentie", "value": "1029371980276" } ], "pricelists": [ 1198 ], "picklists": [ { "idpicklist": 53398250, "picklistid": "P2013-1832", "idcustomer": null, "idorder": 6754, "idreturn": null, "idwarehouse": 2811, "idtemplate": 6200, "idshippingprovider_profile": 12638, "deliveryname": "Triangle B.V.", "deliverycontact": "Jos Triepels", "deliveryaddress": "Koppeling 15", "deliveryaddress2": "", "deliveryzipcode": "6983 HX", "deliverycity": "Doesburg", "deliveryregion": "", "deliverycountry": "NL", "telephone": "", "emailaddress": "", "reference": "", "assigned_to_iduser": null, "invoiced": false, "urgent": true, "preferred_delivery_date": null, "status": "new", "totalproducts": 2, "totalpicked": 2, "snoozed_until": null, "closed_by_iduser": null, "closed_at": null, "created": "2013-07-18 20:44:17", "updated": "2013-07-19 13:58:54", "idfulfilment_customer": null, "comment_count": 0 } ] }

Create new order

An order will always be created with status ‘concept’. Once the order has status 'concept', you can process it. Tags can be added after the order has been created.

You can also provide 'productcode' instead of 'idproduct' to create an order.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders
{ "idcustomer": 5633, "products": [ { "idproduct": 633, "amount": 1 } ], "orderfields": [ { "idorderfield": 35, "value": "1029371980276" } ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created { "idorder": 16860, "idcustomer": 5633, "orderid": "20130028", "deliveryname": "Klaassen B.V.", "deliverycontactname": null, "deliveryaddress": "De Koppeling 15a", "deliveryaddress2": null, "deliveryzipcode": "6986 CS", "deliverycity": "Doesburg", "deliveryregion": null, "deliverycountry": "NL", "invoicename": "Klaassen B.V.", "invoicecontactname": null, "invoiceaddress": "De Koppeling 15a", "invoiceaddress2": null, "invoicezipcode": "6986 CS", "invoicecity": "Doesburg", "invoiceregion": null, "invoicecountry": "NL", "reference": null, "partialdelivery": true, "discount": 0, "pickup_point_data": null, "status": "concept", "public_status_page": "https://example.picqer.com/s/eB1KLYRIN41p5xt2", "created": "2013-07-17 21:28:17", "updated": "2013-07-17 21:28:17", "warehouses": [ 1829, 2811 ], "products": [ { "idproduct": 633, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RB-7-9", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 54.46, "amount": 1, "weight": 200 } ], "orderfields": [ { "idorderfield": 35, "title": "Klantreferentie", "value": "1029371980276" } ], "pricelists": [], "picklists": [] }

Create a guest order

Example of creating a guest order. Give idcustomer as null, but now you are required to provide the delivery and invoice name and address.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders
{ "idcustomer": null, "deliveryname": "John Strijbos", "deliveryaddress": "Vrije Water 12", "deliveryzipcode": "3928 DM", "deliverycity": "Zeist", "deliverycountry": "nl", "invoicename": "John Strijbos", "invoiceaddress": "Vrije Water 12", "invoicezipcode": "3928 DM", "invoicecity": "Zeist", "invoicecountry": "nl", "products": [ { "idproduct": 633, "amount": 1 } ] }

Update order

You can change the order after you created it. This is helpful if you want to change the delivery address or you want to change the shipping method.

Only some parameters can be changed: idcustomer, idtemplate, deliveryname, deliverycontactname, deliveryaddress, deliveryaddress2, deliveryzipcode, deliverycity, deliveryregion, deliverycountry, invoicename, invoicecontactname, invoiceaddress, invoiceaddress2, invoicezipcode, invoicecity, invoiceregion, invoicecountry, telephone, emailaddress, calculatevat, discount, pickup_point_data, preferred_delivery_date, customer_remarks, reference, invoiced, idshippingprovider_profile, partialdelivery, language

PUT https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}
{ "deliveryname": "Dirksen B.V.", "reference": "Webshop order #9927882", "idshippingprovider_profile": 821 }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 16860, "idcustomer": 5633, "orderid": "20130028", "deliveryname": "Dirksen B.V.", "deliverycontactname": null, "deliveryaddress": "De Koppeling 15a", "deliveryaddress2": null, "deliveryzipcode": "6986 CS", "deliverycity": "Doesburg", "deliveryregion": null, "deliverycountry": "NL", "invoicename": "Klaassen B.V.", "invoicecontactname": null, "invoiceaddress": "De Koppeling 15a", "invoiceaddress2": null, "invoicezipcode": "6986 CS", "invoicecity": "Doesburg", "invoicecountry": "NL", "reference": "Webshop order #9927882", "partialdelivery": true, "discount": 0, "pickup_point_data": null, "status": "concept", "via_portal": false, "public_status_page": "https://example.picqer.com/s/eB1KLYRIN41p5xt2", "idshippingprovider_profile": 821, "created": "2013-07-17 21:28:17", "updated": "2013-07-17 21:28:17", "warehouses": [ 1829, 2811 ], "products": [ { "idproduct": 633, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RB-7-9", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 54.46, "amount": 1, "weight": 200 } ], "orderfields": [ { "idorderfield": 35, "title": "Klantreferentie", "value": "1029371980276" } ], "pricelists": [], "picklists": [] }

Process an order

Orders with the status 'expected' and 'concept' can be 'processed'. When you process an order it becomes final and cannot be edited anymore.

With processing Picqer will create a picklist or backorders for this order.

The processing itself will take place in the background after you received the response. This is why you still see the status 'concept' in the response. When you check back in after a minute or two, the order will be processed.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/process
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 16860, "idcustomer": 5633, "orderid": "20130028", "deliveryname": "Klaassen B.V.", "deliverycontactname": null, "deliveryaddress": "De Koppeling 15a", "deliveryaddress2": null, "deliveryzipcode": "6986 CS", "deliverycity": "Doesburg", "deliveryregion": null, "deliverycountry": "NL", "invoicename": "Klaassen B.V.", "invoicecontactname": null, "invoiceaddress": "De Koppeling 15a", "invoiceaddress2": null, "invoicezipcode": "6986 CS", "invoicecity": "Doesburg", "invoicecountry": "NL", "reference": null, "partialdelivery": true, "discount": 0, "pickup_point_data": null, "status": "concept", "via_portal": false, "public_status_page": "https://example.picqer.com/s/eB1KLYRIN41p5xt2", "created": "2013-07-17 21:28:17", "updated": "2013-07-17 21:31:09", "warehouses": [ 1829, 2811 ], "products": [ { "idproduct": 633, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RB-7-9", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 54.46, "amount": 1, "weight": 200 } ], "pricelists": [], "picklists": [] }

Pause order

Orders with the status 'processing' can be paused. For example, you can pause an order if the customer's address is incorrect, or if the customer contacts you to make changes to the order.

When you pause an order all underlying picklists will be paused, except if the picklist is snoozed. Future, newly created, picklists will also be automatically paused. Picklist that are unsnoozed will also be paused. Editing the order, as if it had the status 'processing', is still possible.

A reason for pausing is required. Read more about pausing in this support article

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/pause
{ "reason": "A reason for pausing" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 2918, ... }

Resume order

Orders that have the status 'paused' can be resumed. When you resume an order, the order status is put back to 'processing'. All underlying picklists will be resumed. Read more about pausing and resuming here

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/resume
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 2918, ... }

Reopen an order

When you re-open an order, it will get the 'concept' status again and you can change the order. Only orders that are 'processing' without picklists can be reopend.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/reopen
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 2918, ... }

Cancel an order (delete)

Only orders with status 'concept' or 'expected' can be cancelled.

DELETE https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Forced cancelling

If you really want an order cancelled that is already processing or even completed, you can use the forced method. This will remove any attached picklists, even when they are already picked.

DELETE https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}?force=true
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Re-open cancelled order

Only orders with status 'cancelled' can be used for undo cancellation.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/undo-cancellation
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 2918, ... }

Get status per order line

With this call you can get the status of all the order lines in the order. Per product you get the amount of products delivered, how many are in backorder, and how many are waiting to be picked.

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/productstatus
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "products": [ { "idproduct": 633, "productcode": "6531-RB-7-9", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "amount": 1, "delivered": 1, "backorder": 0, "picklist": 0, "allocated": 0 }, { "idproduct": 653, "productcode": "6531-RE", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "amount": 1, "delivered": 0, "backorder": 1, "picklist": 0, "allocated": 0 } ] }

Get notes from an order (deprecated)

Do not use this endpoint for new implementations as it will be removed in the near future. Use the comments api instead.

Orders can have notes, which will be shown in the interface at the order and picklists. It will also show up on the printed picklists. It will never be shown to the customer.

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/notes
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "idorder_log":285078, "iduser":24, "idorder":119088, "idpicklist":0, "type":"note", "action":null, "description":"This is a special delivery, handle with care!", "details":null, "created_at":"2014-08-21 12:37:06" } ]

Add a note to an order (deprecated)

Do not use this endpoint for new implementations as it will be removed in the near future. Use the comments api instead.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/notes
{ "note": "This is a special delivery, handle with care!" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder_log":285078, "iduser":24, "idorder":119088, "idpicklist":0, "type":"comment", "action":null, "description":"This is a special delivery, handle with care!", "details":null, "created_at":"2014-08-21 12:37:06" }

Get tags from an order

Orders can have tags linked to them.

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/tags
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "idtag":11, "title":"Winter", "color":"#03008a", "inherit":false, "textColor":"#FFFFFF" }, { "idtag":13, "title":"Hoeden", "color":"#03008a", "inherit":false, "textColor":"#FFFFFF" } ]
This endpoint uses pagination.

Add tag to order

Associate a tag with an order.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/tags
{ "idtag": 223 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created { "idtag":223, "title":"Zomer", "color":"#03008a", "inherit":false, "textColor":"#FFFFFF" }

Remove tag from order

DELETE https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/tags/{idtag}
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Allocate stock to concept order

When an order has the status 'concept', there is no stock reserved for the order. With 'allocating' you can tell Picqer to lower the free stock, so your webshop will only show the actual available stock.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/allocate
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 2918, ... }

De-allocate stock from concept order

When an order has allocated stock, you can release that allocation with a de-allocate.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/deallocate
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 2918, ... }

Prioritise backorders of order

When an order has backorders, you can prioritize all backorders of this order by sending this request. Any available stock will first be used for these backorders.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/prioritise
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 2918, ... }

Create picklist from available backorders of order

If backorders for an order are available, you can generate a picklist for the products in stock. This picklist will include the available backorders, bypassing the 'AutoSplit' and 'Allow picking from bulk' settings.

Keep in mind that virtual compositions can only be added to picklists if all their components are in stock.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/process-backorders
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 2918, ... }

Create a picklist with bulk locations

You can prioritize bulk locations when creating a picklist for the available backorders of an order. To do this, add the query string parameter "prefer_bulk_locations" to your request. For example: https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/process-backorders?prefer_bulk_locations=true.

Anonymize order

Orders older than 7 days can be anonymized. The name of the customer will be changed to 'Anonymous' and the addresses will be removed. If there is a customer linked to the order, the customer and any saved customer addresses will also be removed.

Documents regarding shipments and tracking URLs will be removed as well.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/anonymize
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder": 6576, "idcustomer": 5633, "idtemplate": 323, "idshippingprovider_profile": null, "orderid": "20130012", "deliveryname": "Anonymous", "deliverycontactname": "null", "deliveryaddress": "null", "deliveryaddress2": null, "deliveryzipcode": "null", "deliverycity": "null", "deliveryregion": null, "deliverycountry": "NL", "full_delivery_address": "Anonymous\nNederland", "invoicename": "Anonymous", "invoicecontactname": "null", "invoiceaddress": "null", "invoiceaddress2": null, "invoicezipcode": "null", "invoicecity": "null", "invoiceregion": null, "invoicecountry": "NL", "full_invoice_address": "Anonymous\nNederland", "telephone": null, "emailaddress": null, "reference": null, "customer_remarks": null, "pickup_point_data": null, "partialdelivery": true, "auto_split": true, "invoiced": false, "preferred_delivery_date": null, "discount": 0, "calculatevat": true, "status": "complete", "public_status_page": "https://example.picqer.com/s/eB1KLYRIN41p5xt2", "created": "2023-07-17 16:01:42", "updated": "2023-07-17 16:02:14", "warehouses": [ 1829, 2811 ], "products": [ { "idorder_product": 86868, "idproduct": 633, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RB-7-9", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 64.46, "amount": 1, "amount_cancelled": 0, "weight": 0, "partof_idorder_product": null, "has_parts": true }, { "idorder_product": 86879, "idproduct": 653, "idvatgroup": 18, "productcode": "6531-RE", "name": "Hyperkewl Evaporative Cooling Vest Ultra Blue 7-9yr", "remarks": "", "price": 164.46, "amount": 1, "amount_cancelled": 0, "weight": 1821, "partof_idorder_product": null, "has_parts": true } ], "tags": { "TopWebshop": { "idtag": 1075, "title": "TopWebshop", "color": "#5993be", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" }, "SummerProducts": { "idtag": 1156, "title": "SummerProducts", "color": "#c7b4f6", "inherit": true, "textColor": "#000000" } }, "orderfields": [ { "idorderfield": 35, "title": "Klantreferentie", "value": "1029371980276" } ], "pricelists": [ 1198 ], "picklists": [ { "idpicklist": 53398250, "picklistid": "P2013-1832", "idcustomer": null, "idorder": 6754, "idreturn": null, "idwarehouse": 2811, "idtemplate": 6200, "idshippingprovider_profile": 12638, "deliveryname": "Anonymous", "deliverycontact": "null", "deliveryaddress": "null", "deliveryaddress2": "null", "deliveryzipcode": "null", "deliverycity": "null", "deliveryregion": "", "deliverycountry": "NL", "telephone": "", "emailaddress": "", "reference": "", "assigned_to_iduser": null, "invoiced": false, "urgent": true, "preferred_delivery_date": null, "status": "new", "totalproducts": 2, "totalpicked": 2, "snoozed_until": null, "closed_by_iduser": null, "closed_at": null, "created": "2023-07-18 20:44:17", "updated": "2023-07-19 13:58:54", "idfulfilment_customer": null, "comment_count": 0 } ] }


You can use the endpoint /api/v1/orders/{idorder}/products to only get the details of ordered products for an order.

To add a new product to an existing order, you can POST that product with the following example.

You can only add 1 product per call. Required fields are: idproduct and amount. Picqer will auto-complete the name and price, but you can also override those. You can only add products to an order with status 'concept'.

POST https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/products
{ "idproduct": 1105257, "price": 12.95, "amount": 1 }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorder_product": 1272513, "idproduct": 1105248, "idvatgroup": 5, "productcode": "AR2954212", "name": "Philips Hue kit", "remarks": null, "price": 12.95, "amount": 1, "amount_cancelled": null, "weight": 1793, "partof_idorder_product": null, "has_parts": null }

To update a product, you can send a PUT request to endpoint /api/v1/orders/{idorder}/products/{idorder_product} to update name, price, amount or remarks. Amounts can only be changed if the order has status 'concept'.

To delete an ordered product, send a DELETE request to endpoint /api/v1/orders/{idorder}/products/{idorder_product}. You can only remove products from an order with the status 'concept'.


You can use the endpoint /api/v1/orders/{idorder}/orderfields to only get the details of orderfields for an order. We only show you orderfields that have values for this order.

You can add and update the value of orderfields with a PUT request with the idorderfield of an existing orderfield in the URL.

You can only add or update 1 orderfield per call. Required fields are: value.

PUT https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/orders/{idorder}/orderfields/{idorderfield}
{ "value": "Johns" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "idorderfield": 3827, "title": "Group", "value": "Johns" }

To delete an orderfield for an order, send a DELETE request to endpoint /api/v1/orders/{idorder}/orderfields/{idorderfield}. You can only update the field to value `null` to remove the value of an orderfield.


Comments are supported on orders.

Read more Picklists