Fulfilment customer reports

Statistics for fulfilment customers are available in Picqer and in the API.

Get fulfilment customer report

With below call, you will get the fulfilment customer report for a single fulfilment customer.

GET https://example.picqer.com/api/v1/fulfilment/customers/{idfulfilment_customer}/report
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "meta_data": { "idfulfilment_customer": 1, "start_date": "2022-05-01", "end_date": "2022-05-31" }, "inbound": { "receipts_count": 0, "receipts_rows_count": 0, "receipts_products_total_amount": 0, "purchase_orders_count": 0, "purchase_order_rows_count": 0 }, "outbound": { "picklists_count": 2, "picklist_rows_count": 2, "picklist_products_count": 3, "shipments": [], "shipments_count": 0, "shipment_country_count": 0, "shipment_profile_count": 0 }, "storage_usage": { "stock_locations_in_use_count": 1, "stock_locations_in_use": [ { "idlocation": 24, "idwarehouse": 1, "warehouse_name": "Magazijn", "stock_location": "A.1.4.3", "unique_products": 1, "total_items": "12" } ], "stock_location_types_in_use": [ { "idwarehouse": 1, "warehouse_name": "Magazijn", "idlocation_type": 1, "name": "Standaard", "unique_locations": 1 } ], "products_total": 2, "stock_total": 1005 }, "returns": { "returns_count": 1, "return_rows_count": 2, "return_products_count": 7 } }


You can filter the reports with the following parameters. Add these filters as querystring parameters to the URL.

Attribute Description Example
idfulfilment_customer ID of the fulfilment customer. 1
start-date First day of when the report should start. 2022-01-01
end-date Last day of when the report should end. 2022-02-01