Migrating to v2 receipts

We have rolled out a new way of receiving products in Picqer. The main difference is that, in the new version, products will be added directly to the stock. Whereas before this would happen upon completing the receipt.

Main differences in v2

When viewing receipts:

  • Products in the products list are already added to the stock.
  • We removed some amount fields, as those numbers did not give a good representation of the current state.
  • remarks field is removed, as we support comments on receipts

When creating or updating receipts:

  • The flow for adding products is changed
  • Expected products can be requested through a new endpoint: /api/v1/receipts/{idreceipt}/expected-products
  • Adding products to the receipt does not support the barcode field anymore.
  • As products are directly added to the stock, you cannot change added products anymore. Receipt products are immutable, but can be reverted through a new endpoint.
  • We removed the mark-all-received endpoint

Changes in the "receipt" resource

Removed fields

In v2 receipts, some fields are removed from the response: remarks, amount_received_excessive, products.amount_backorders, products.amount_more_than_ordered, products.amount_previously_received, products.amount_receiving, products.candidate_purchaseorders, products.locations, products.product_locations, products.stock

You can identify the version of receipt by the version property in the receipt.

One of the main differences in this new resource is that expected products are no longer exposed. Instead, the "products" key exposes the products that are actually received and thus added to the stock.

This new resource is returned in both the collection as the detail endpoint mixed with v1 receipts.

Change V1 V2
Added field version (also added to v1 resource) version
Changed field products.stock_location products.location
Removed field remarks -
Removed field amount_received_excessive -
Removed field products.amount_backorders -
Removed field products.amount_more_than_ordered -
Removed field products.amount_previously_received -
Removed field products.amount_receiving -
Removed field products.candidate_purchaseorders -
Removed field products.locations -
Removed field products.product_locations -
Removed field products.stock -
Added field - products.created_at
Added field - products.received_by_iduser
Added field - products.reverted_at
Added field - products.reverted_by_iduser

See a full example of a v2 receipt

Creating and editing receipts

The flow of creating and editing receipts is different in v2. We have a new seperate endpoint to get the expected products, and you can choose a strategy for which purchase order needs to be used. Added products can not be changed or removed, but can be reverted.

See the receiving products section about the new steps.

Deprecated endpoints

The following endpoints will not work for v2 receipts anymore: